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Vratabandha Sanskaar and the Confusions around it..

Vratabandha Sanskaar ("VBS") carried a lot of importance in society during the Gurukul Education system ("GES").  VBS is one of the most prominent of the 16 Sanskaars as per Sanatana Dharma. It is looked at as the second birth of the child. VBS used to serve various objectives. One objective was to celebrate the child's graduation from Shishuawastha to BrahmacharyaAshram. VBS, then, also acted as a farewell, since the child left the house for good 10-15 years to pursue formal education in the GES. And, as the name suggests, VBS involved taking vows, which acted as a guideline for the next stage of life.

Education then was free for all and a non-negotiable element in society. India had a rich literate population, literacy was a whooping 97-100%The society was divided into four Varnas- Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shoodra. Each Varna had its place in society and there was no discrimination Children from all Varnas went to GES and underwent VBS.

During GES, girls and boys both were equally entitled to education. There was no gender bias. Similarly, VBS too was done for girls before they started formal education and Vedic studies.,

 Fast forward to today, we see VBS mainly being performed in the case of Hindu Brahmin boys only. The way VBS is performed has undergone a tremendous change, and has taken a shape of mini marriage! With emphasis mainly on ceremonial aspects like clothes, ornaments, food, guests, etc, people are unaware of the underlying essence. VBS is performed either to gain societal acceptance or to please the elders in the family or merely to carry forward traditions. Children are not prepared well for VBS, they are bribed, threatened, and coaxed to agree to VBS and due to this, often carry unpleasant memories and repulsion.

What made VBS a ‘Brahmin-boy’ only ritual? 

With ruthless invasions, our Gurukulams were destroyed, and our robust education system collapsed. Then came the English education system (Thanks to English Education Act!)! In the hope of employment and a better future, people started enrolling their children in English schools. The essence of Brahmin Varna was to work in the areas of education, and religious activities. This was their skill and a source of livelihood. VBS thus continued for Brahmin children before commencing Vedic study in-house or in smaller groups.

Women’s education also took a major setback during the invasions. In the interest of women’s safety, they became homebound. And thus, this beautiful Sanskaar turned into a Brahmin boy-only ritual, which was purely circumstantial. Later we never turned back!

Today majority of the children do not go to Gurukulams or boarding schools, and the education system is completely different from the Vedic times, is VBS still applicable today? While the learning methods and matters have changed, the social fabric has changed, what has not changed is the way children grow and learn! VBS is not merely a ritual, it brings with itself a treasure of opportunities that families (not just children) can benefit from. VBS when done with the right understanding and readiness, can be a great tool that can benefit new-age children!

VBS is beyond just the rituals. The book "Vratabandha Sanskaar For the Confused Contemporary" elaborates on different ways in which caregivers can assess the physical and mental readiness of the child. The book also shares ideas to answer some common questions that kids have about religion and spirituality. The book constructively analyses the vows which children take as a part of VBS to adapt to contemporary needs. 

With the family size shrinking, and people getting busier, VBS can be that beautiful knot that can bond families. To understand more about the subject, click here to buy the book:

You can download Snakes and Ladders: Game of Life here: Use the game to induct children to life progressions as per the Sanatana Dharma. Enjoy!


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