Aarohified - Yet Again
When we started upon this journey of unschooling, we took the leap of faith and decided to trust our instincts. Unschooling being a less trodden path, we had to find answers to our questions ourselves. Questions like 'What about future', 'How will they learn', 'Do we follow a structure or a curriculum' and more. One of the resources which has been a part of our unschooling journey is - Aarohi (Aarohi Life Education), through their multiple avenues like Jagriti, Saturday Open Learning AMA (Ask me Anything) calls, social media updates, opportunity to visit the campus etc.
Last month, I had this surge of emotions- feeling lost, feeling 'I have to string everything together', we are drifting off our path, kids are listening, kids are not interested in learning, how to I balance my work and their learning journey- you get the drift! I am sure school or no school, these emotions hit many parents on and off.
How do I resolve my internal conflict? Where can I get the answers to these questions? And my immediate response was Aarohi! Aarohi campus is a place where you can experience first hand open learning, a place without teachers, where everyone is equal, no classrooms, no rewards, no punishments.
I have been to Aarohi pre pandemic a couple of times with kids (read about it here- Aarohi visit) and the vibes at the campus, the way of living and learning clicked instantly with us. It was Tejas's quarter end time, the right time for us three to get out :P "Pack your bags, we are going to Aarohi for a week" I announced to our 7 year old twins!
Sharing below my picture gallery, key learnings, and some 'Just for Laughs'
1. Picture gallery
Mornings at Aarohi start off with Sunshine- a brief workout driven by anyone who wishes to - age, experience, gender no bar. The next group meeting I personally found extremely valuable- the Planning meet. Where each individual is asked what he wishes to do, anything that a person loves doing, something never attempted before, something that was always on your wishlist? Anything absolutely!
The road map is laid together by co-creating the daily rhythm integration all the 'What to dos'. After 'What' comes 'How' where you think about the resources needed to achieve what you want to do and lastly 'Why'- the driving factor for your 'What'
During our stay, we took up various 'Whats' like painting, wood doll making, free play, carpentry, playing with open ended toys, book reading, trying musical instruments, rock climbing etc some within groups, some individually, some with a facilitator.The cooking project was particularly astonishing for me. I was the facilitator and the plan was to make Badam jaggery katli and Pasta the OPOS (One Pot One Shot) way- with a couple of grown ups and kids between 5-8 years who have never cooked this way. I thought to myself 'How do we make this happen smoothly'. But all it took was clear briefing, planning and instructions on a board. Recipes were broken down to smaller tasks, teams were made and EXECUTION! Both the dishes came out so well and were licked clean at lunch.
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