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About Us

Hii! I am Prachi, mother of boy-girl twins.. Now you must be thinking ah damn lucky u guys :p But trust me grass is always greener on the other side! Yes its fulfilling but surely not easy.. Well so let me know deviate..

Born and brought up in Pune, I was a very curious kid, more attracted towards different forms of arts. Also lucky enough to have supportive parents, who inspite of their disabilities were actively involved in my learning journey (My father has more than 80% hearing disability and my mother can only see with one eye that too high power) I got to learn classical music, Bharatnatyam, drawing, 'Rope mallkhamb', harmonium to name a few. After my 10th standard there was a lot of pressure from society 'Óh your daughter has scored 90% you have to send her to the science stream', but I enrolled for commerce. Completed my Chartered Accountancy and stepped up in the corporate world! During my studies, I also chose the guy I wanted to marry, and again in a very filmy way, we finally got hitched ;)

That's when I came to Bangalore, happy and excited to explore the new town! Both of us being avid travellers, weekends were spent visiting new places in and around Bangalore. My husband being one of the founder of the Yahama Riders Club (YRC) we had a great company of fellow bikers too :)

Around 4 years in the city and we decided to buy our own home, and it was a personal milestone for us to be able to own a house at the age of 26 completely self funded! Need to mention here- we were left with peanuts after this investment :P And then the another turning point in our lives when we got to know we were expecting twins! Woah, yes I love babies but really twins? Excited and overwhelmed, I could not plan a thing and decided to go with the flow..

My pregnancy was quiet smooth, I continued with work till 9 months, continued with my regular activities- light swimming, yoga, walks and so on.Who knew the 9 months is the only time when a woman can enjoy real 'me time'! My babies were born on 2 of Jan and I am really thankful to God for gifting me these tiny two souls :)

My son was a ELBW baby with 1.1 kg birth weight and daughter was 2.6. Went through a bad phase of PPD, lack of right information - and slowly began babywearing my babies. Life started improving and I became more confident. Back to Bangalore, with a help of daytime nanny started the real journey as a parent in a nuclear set up. Soon realised, I can manage things better and the dependency on maids is just making me handicap, so ditched my maid and started the real nuclear parenting journey, where my husband's role was equally important and he embraced it gracefully! There are many things which he does in a much better way and I have a lot to learn from him as a person! Again I thank my luck for having a like minded and supportive life partner :)

With babywearing we could slowly bounce back to our earlier lives to a great extent and could travel, step out with ease keeping our babies close, secure and happy! Since babywearing is a topic which not many people are aware of,I decided to dedicate my time for this cause and quit my job. That's how Snugbub was formed!

So here I am, a mompreneur, a mother of two who loves spending time with the kids and being involved actively in their learning process! I believe constructive learning happens even at home with dedicated efforts from parents. Watch this space to know more about the things we do, what helps us, what keeps us motivated and much more! Cheers :)


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